Praia da Mareta


Praia da Mareta
Sagres, Vila do Bispo, Faro, Portugal

700 length meters, 35 width meters (variable)

Type of beach:
Composition: Golden Sand

Available Services:
CEE blue flag
Lifeguarded Beach
Sunshade rental
Outdoor parking

Unavailable Services:
Accessible beach
Motorhome parking
Surf Bodyboard Diving
The Beach
Golden sand beach, located next to the village of Sagres, in a wide bay to the east of Cabo de S. Vicente that protects it from the prevailing winds and swells.

The sand is extensive and nestled between abrupt limestone cliffs where you can see huge recesses and sapas (cavities excavated at the base of the cliff).

Along the tide line, limestone lapiás are common, with their curious shapes, colonized by showy plants such as the sea pampilho.

On this beach, there are traces of silos and medieval ovens, used until the 19th century. XVI.

It has road and pedestrian access from Sagres, next to the GNR post.

- Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente